Saturday 1st January 2022


This year we had five couples contesting the Hangover Doubles, a handicap event that is played not too seriously on New Year’s Day.


Each pair plays the others in a first to six game set, with two additional rules -  players wearing hats to receive a bisque (i.e. a point that can be claimed once in the set) and serving to be done from the hazard end.


Everyone came with a hat and perhaps there should have been a prize for the best – or worst – one!.




The first pair needed to be away by lunch time so had to play all of their matches consecutively. This meant that they were able to hone their serving and receiving skills as they went along, making them the overall winners in absentia.


The other pairs learnt as they went along, with calls of ‘bisque’ being made at regular intervals and some very classy returns of serve as players gradually got more used to the twists and turns of the ball.


A great time was had by all and a very big thank you to Chris Ronaldson for organising and all the marking.